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What’s the first step to giving your pet a happy and healthy life?!?

Finding a veterinarian and animal hospital that you trust! Having this trust and relationship with your vet hospital will lead to your pet’s best care. And we all want that.

The good news is there are so many great vet’s out there, you just need to find the one that is right for your pet!

Here are 6 things that I think count in helping you find a vet and vet clinic for you and your pet:

✅Teamwork: the best clinics have staff that work well together. Leadership studies show time and time again that highly functioning teams perform the best. Do you see folks that treat eachother with respect and camaraderie?

✅Empathy: in medicine, with the high volume of sick patients that we see, it is easy for things to become overly clinical. So you want to make sure you have a vet clinic that shows their clients empathy and compassion. We can’t always get every pet in for appointments, but do they express empathy to you and your baby when they are ill?

✅Cleanliness: ok, so we can’t pick up every single hair everytime, but in general do you see a habit for cleanliness in the clinic?

✅People you like and trust: you guys, there are so many types of vet clinics! There are clinics with a down to earth feel, a white coat and tie feel, a holistic approach and more. How does the culture and presentation resonate with you? Do you feel comfortable with the people and the clinic when you walk through the door? Maybe you do not always want to do their plan, but again- does it seem in your pet’s best interest?

✅Professionalism: things will not always go as planned as we are all human. But do we handle situations with professionalism. Do we have plans for improving that situation in the future and have we addressed your concerns?

✅Are staff happy? I think this says alot about a workplace. We all know why. Working at a place with poor leadership can make people feel down or unmotivated which can be distracting. So, do the staff seem happy?


Those are my top 6 things to consider in choosing a vet clinic you trust with your pet.

What are some things you love about your vet clinic?



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