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Is Your Old Dog Showing These Seizure Symptoms? Act Fast!

seizure symptoms in old dogs

As pet owners, we cherish the companionship and unwavering love our senior dogs provide us. However, as our furry friend's age, they may develop specific health issues that require our attention and care. One such concern is seizures in older dogs. Understanding the symptoms and taking prompt action is crucial to ensuring the well-being of our beloved companions.

v In this guide, let us explore the common seizure symptoms in old dogs and emphasize the importance of swift action for a successful treatment.

Recognizing Old Dog Seizure Symptoms:

  1. Uncontrolled Muscle Movements: One of the primary signs of a seizure is uncontrolled muscle movements. It may indicate an episode if you notice your senior dog experiencing sudden jerking, twitching, or convulsions.

  2. Loss of Consciousness: During a seizure, dogs may lose consciousness or appear disoriented. They may become unresponsive to their surroundings or exhibit a vacant stare.

  3. Drooling and Foaming: Excessive drooling or foaming at the mouth, particularly in conjunction with other seizure symptoms, should not be overlooked. It is a standard indicator that your old dog is experiencing a seizure episode.

  4. Paddling or Running Movements: Some dogs may exhibit paddling or running movements while lying on their sides during a seizure. These actions are involuntary and can be distressing to witness.

  5. Loss of Bladder or Bowel Control: Seizures can cause temporary loss of bladder or bowel control in dogs. Suppose you notice your old dog urinating or defecating during a seizure. In that case, it is a significant symptom that should not be ignored.

Acting Fast for Your Senior Dog's Well-being:

  1. Stay Calm: It is essential to be patient when your old dog experiences a seizure. Panicking can add stress to the situation and potentially harm your pet. Remember, most episodes last only a few minutes.

  2. Ensure Safety: During a seizure, keeping your senior dog safe from injury is crucial. Hide any nearby objects that could cause harm and provide a soft, padded surface for them to lie on avoid having your hands near their mouths as they can accidentally injure you while not coherent.

  3. Document the Episode: Take note of the duration, intensity, and specific symptoms observed during the seizure. If you are able or have an extra person, grab a video of it while someone else focuses on ensuring safety. This information will assist your veterinarian in diagnosing the underlying cause and determining the most suitable treatment.

  4. Seek Veterinary Care: After the seizure episode, it is vital to call your veterinarian for advisement or seek immediate veterinary care. The veterinarian will conduct a thorough examination, possibly including blood tests and imaging, to help determine the cause of the seizures and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Bottom line

Old dog seizure symptoms should never be overlooked or taken lightly. Early recognition and swift action are vital for ensuring the well-being of our senior canine companions. By staying vigilant, providing a safe environment, and seeking veterinary care promptly, we can help our old dogs navigate through this challenging health issue. Remember, at Senior Dog Revolution, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive information and support to provide you with the best care for your senior dog. Let's ensure a happy and healthy life for our beloved old dogs!


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