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Understanding the Impact of Chronic Pain on Your Dog's Behaviour

Impact of Chronic Pain on Your Dog's Behaviour

Older dogs deserve to age in a way that supports their comfort and happiest the most.  Yet, one thing commonly can get in their way… and that’s chronic pain!  This article explores how chronic pain affects dogs, signs to watch for, and effective strategies for managing pain and enhancing their quality of life.

What Is Chronic Pain in Dogs?

Chronic pain in dogs is a persistent pain that lasts for weeks, months, or even years. Unlike acute pain, which is typically short-lived and often a result of injury or surgery, chronic pain is ongoing and can stem from various conditions such as arthritis, cancer, dental disease, and degenerative joint disease. Chronic pain affects a dog’s physical well-being and significantly impacts their behavior and emotional state.

The Impact of Chronic Pain on Behavior

Chronic pain can lead to a variety of behavioral changes in dogs. Understanding these changes is crucial for early detection and effective management. Here are some common behavioral signs that your dog might be experiencing chronic pain:

  1. Decreased Activity: Dogs in pain are often less active. They may be reluctant to play, go for walks, or engage in activities they once enjoyed. You might notice your dog spending more time resting or sleeping.

  2. Altered Gait or Movement: Chronic pain, particularly joint or muscle issues, can cause noticeable changes in your dog’s movement. They may limp, favor one leg, or have difficulty getting up and down.

  3. Changes in Appetite: Pain can affect your dog’s appetite, leading to decreased interest in food or changes in eating patterns. Some dogs may drop food out of their mouth, drool, be head shy, or have halitosis or brown, black or red in their mouth when due to dental pain. They may even become less active.

  4. VocalizationsDogs in pain may whine, whimper, growl, pant or bark more frequently. These vocalizations are often attempts to communicate their discomfort but they don’t always occur.

  5. Aggression or Irritability: Chronic pain can make dogs more irritable and prone to aggression. They may snap or growl when touched or approached, particularly in hurt areas.

  6. Withdrawal and Depression: Dogs suffering from chronic pain may become withdrawn and less interactive. They might avoid social interactions and exhibit signs of depression, such as a lack of interest in their surroundings.

  7. Restlessness: Some dogs become restless and have difficulty finding a comfortable position to lie down. They may pace, circle, or frequently change positions.

  8. Changes in Grooming: Dogs might lick or chew excessively at the area, causing pain. Conversely, they may neglect grooming altogether if movement is painful.

Diagnosing Chronic Pain in Dogs

If you suspect your dog is experiencing chronic pain, it is essential to consult your veterinarian. Diagnosing chronic pain often involves a thorough physical examination, medical history review, and diagnostic tests such as X-rays, blood tests, or MRI scans. Your veterinarian will assess your dog’s overall health and identify the underlying cause of the pain.

Tips to Chronic Pain in Dogs: Management and Relief

Effective management of chronic pain in dogs involves a multi-faceted approach. Here are some tips for chronic pain in dogs that can help improve their comfort and quality of life:

  1. Medication: Pain relief medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory dog specific drugs (NSAIDs), opioids, or corticosteroids, can help manage chronic pain. Always follow your veterinarian’s guidance on your dog’s appropriate medication and dosage.

  2. Diet and Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for dogs with chronic pain, particularly those with joint issues. Overweight dogs experience more stress on their joints, exacerbating pain. Consult your veterinarian to develop a balanced diet plan that supports weight management and overall health.

  3. Physical Therapy: Physical therapy can significantly benefit dogs with chronic pain. Techniques such as massage, hydrotherapy, and controlled exercises can help improve mobility, strengthen muscles, and reduce pain. A veterinary physical therapist can design a personalized program for your dog.

  4. Alternative Therapies: Alternative treatments, such as acupuncture and laser therapy can relieve pain and improve your dog’s quality of life. These therapies can be used alongside traditional treatments to enhance pain management.

  5. Environmental Modifications: Changing your dog’s environment can help reduce pain and discomfort. Provide soft bedding, ramps or steps to help them access furniture or vehicles, and non-slip mats to prevent falls on slippery surfaces.

  6. Regular Exercise: Gentle, regular exercise helps maintain muscle strength and joint flexibility. Tailor the exercise routine to your dog’s capabilities and avoid high-impact activities that could worsen pain. Short, frequent walks and swimming are excellent low-impact options.

  7. Supplements: Nutritional supplements, such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and omega-3 fatty acids, can support joint health and support reduction of inflammation. Consult your veterinarian before adding any supplements to your dog’s diet.

  8. Mental Stimulation: Keeping your dog mentally engaged is essential for overall well-being. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and training sessions can provide mental stimulation and help distract from pain.

  9. Comfort Measures: Provide your dog with extra comfort and attention. Gentle grooming, soothing music, and spending quality time together can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation.

  10. Monitoring and Adjusting Treatment: Chronic pain management is an ongoing process. Regularly monitor your dog’s condition and communicate with your veterinarian to adjust treatment plans. This ensures that your dog receives the best possible care.

Creating a Supportive Home Environment

In addition to the above tips for chronic pain in dogs, creating a supportive home environment is crucial. Here are some ways to make your home more comfortable for a dog experiencing chronic pain:

  1. Safe Zones: Designate quiet, comfortable areas where your dog can rest. These safe zones should be easily accessible and free from potential hazards.

  2. Consistent Routines: Maintain a consistent daily routine to reduce stress and anxiety. Predictable feeding, walking, and playtime schedules help create a sense of security for your dog.

  3. Communication: Observe and understand your dog’s signals and body language. Knowing how they communicate discomfort or pain allows you to respond appropriately and provide the necessary care.

  4. Family Involvement: Ensure all family members know your dog’s condition and how to handle them gently and compassionately. Consistent handling helps prevent accidental injury and stress.

  5. Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular veterinary check-ins to monitor your dog’s condition and make necessary adjustments to their pain management plan. Early intervention can prevent pain from becoming more severe.

Emotional Support for Pet Parents

Caring for a dog with chronic pain can be emotionally challenging. It’s essential to take care of your well-being to provide your dog the best care. Here are some tips:

  1. Education: Educate yourself about your dog’s condition and the available treatment options. Understanding chronic pain and its impact can help you feel more confident in managing your dog’s care.

  2. Support Networks: Join support groups or online communities for pet parents dealing with similar issues. Sharing experiences and advice can provide emotional support and practical tips.

  3. Self-Care: Make time for self-care activities that help you relax and recharge. Caring for a dog with chronic pain can be demanding, so it’s crucial to maintain your own health and well-being.

  4. Professional Help: If you feel overwhelmed, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide coping strategies and emotional support during challenging times.

How Weather Changes Can Affect Dogs with Chronic Pain

Many pet parents notice that their dogs with chronic pain seem to be more uncomfortable or exhibit increased symptoms during certain weather conditions. Here’s how different types of weather can impact dogs with chronic pain:

Cold Weather

Cold weather is particularly challenging for dogs with chronic pain, especially those with arthritis or joint issues. Cold temperatures can cause muscles and joints to stiffen, making movement more painful and difficult. Additionally, cold weather can reduce blood flow to extremities, exacerbating discomfort in already painful areas.


·         Increased stiffness and reduced mobility.

·         More pronounced limping or difficulty getting up.

·         Higher likelihood of joint pain flare-ups.

Tips for Managing Cold Weather:

  1. Warm Bedding: Provide your dog with warm, cushioned bedding. Heated pet beds or blankets can offer additional comfort.

  2. Indoor Exercise: Keep your dog active with indoor exercises to maintain joint flexibility and muscle strength.

  3. Warm Clothing: Use dog sweaters or coats to keep your dog warm during outdoor activities.

  4. Massage and Physical Therapy: Regular massages and physical therapy can help keep muscles and joints flexible.

Hot Weather

Hot weather can also impact dogs with chronic pain, although the effects are often less direct than cold weather. Extreme heat may cause dogs to avoid moving around, leading to stiffness and discomfort. Dehydration can further exacerbate pain and discomfort in dogs.


·         Increased lethargy and reluctance to move.

·         Potential for dehydration, which can worsen overall discomfort.

·         Heat intolerance and difficulty finding comfortable resting spots.

Tips for Managing Hot Weather:

  1. Hydration: Ensure your dog has access to plenty of fresh water.

  2. Cool Resting Areas: Provide cool, shaded areas for your dog to rest. Use cooling mats or fans to help regulate their body temperature.

  3. Avoid Heat: Limit outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day and opt for early morning or late evening walks.

  4. Regular Grooming: Keep your dog’s coat well-groomed to help them stay cool, but avoid shaving them too short, as their coat provides insulation against the heat.

Humid Weather

Humidity can exacerbate chronic pain in dogs with respiratory issues or arthritis. High humidity levels can make the air feel heavier and more oppressive, which can be uncomfortable for dogs with chronic pain. Additionally, humidity can cause joint tissues to swell, increasing pain and stiffness.


·         Increased joint pain and stiffness.

·         Breathing difficulties in dogs with respiratory issues.

·         Overall discomfort and lethargy.

Tips for Managing Humid Weather:

  1. Climate Control: Use air conditioning or dehumidifiers to maintain a comfortable indoor environment.

  2. Monitor Activity: Reduce strenuous activities and monitor your dog for signs of overheating or respiratory distress.

  3. Frequent Breaks: During outdoor activities, take frequent breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas to allow your dog to cool down.

Barometric Pressure Changes

Changes in barometric pressure, often associated with storms or rapid weather changes, can affect dogs with chronic pain. Many pet parents report their dogs becoming more restless or exhibiting anxiety or increased pain symptoms before or during storms. It can be difficult to differentiate between anxiety and chronic pain.


·         Increased joint pain and discomfort.

·         Restlessness and anxiety.

·         Changes in behavior, such as seeking more attention or hiding.

Tips for Managing Barometric Pressure Changes:

  1. Calm Environment: Create a calm, quiet environment during storms. Use white noise machines or calming music to mask storm sounds.

  2. Comfort Items: Provide items like favorite toys or blankets to help soothe your dog.

  3. Regular Routine: Maintain a consistent daily routine to reduce anxiety and stress during weather changes.  Discuss what you see with your veterinarian.

Practical Tips for Managing Weather-Related Pain

Regardless of the specific weather condition, there are several general strategies you can use to help manage your dog’s chronic pain:

  1. Regular Vet Check-Ups: Ensure your dog receives regular veterinary check-ups to monitor their condition and adjust treatment plans as needed. Your vet can provide tailored advice based on your dog’s specific needs.

  2. Pain Management: Use prescribed pain medications and supplements consistently to manage chronic pain. Always consult your vet before changing your dog’s medication regimen.

  3. Joint Supplements: Consider supplements such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and omega-3 fatty acids to support joint health and reduce inflammation.

  4. Balanced Diet: Maintain a balanced diet for overall health and weight management. Excess weight can put additional strain on painful joints.

  5. Regular Exercise: Engage your dog in regular, low-impact exercises to maintain joint flexibility and muscle strength. Swimming can be an excellent option for dogs with joint pain as long as it is a dog that can swim (not all breeds can) and done safely with direct supervision and an activity they like.

  6. Physical Therapy: Incorporate physical therapy sessions into your dog’s routine. Techniques like hydrotherapy, massage, and acupuncture can provide significant relief.

  7. Comfortable Living Spaces: Ensure your dog has access to comfortable living spaces with soft bedding and easy access to food, water, and outdoor areas.

  8. Behavioral Monitoring: Monitor your dog’s behavior for any signs of increased pain or discomfort. Early detection allows for timely intervention and management.

The Bottom Line

Chronic pain can profoundly impact a dog’s behavior, but with the right monitoring and veterinary care, you can help your furry companion live comfortably and happily. Many diseases of chronic pain in dogs like arthritis or dental pain do get worse over time which is why it’s so important to continue to work with your vet closely as your senior gets older.  By staying informed, being proactive, and providing compassionate care, you become the hero your old dog thinks you are.


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